Lessons Learned from Managing SAS® Viya® at Scale in the Cloud

Hosting multiple servers in the cloud having different kind of SAS Viya products at the same time is quite a complex thing to do, as the most important thing to do is making sure actions taken are as automated as possible. To be able to do this, you might need to use multiple tools or programming languages.

To explain the complexity and differences in lessons we learned and tools we use, we divided the activities in four different kinds of activities being: deployment, monitoring, upgrading and maintenance.

Whilst quick starts are available for deploying SAS Viya on multiple (public) cloud providers, these do not take into account the other aspects of managing a SAS Viya environment.

Our colleague Jelle Daemen would present at the SAS Global Forum about the lessons learned. Unfortunately the SAS Global Forum is cancelled. We still want to share this information with you in this paper:

Paper: Lessons Learned from Managing SAS® Viya® at Scale in the Cloud

After reading this paper, we hope you have learned what kind of issues we encounter and how we dealt with a number of them.